Vehiculele cu motor nu au voie s? circule ?n centrul ora?ului #stiri #Bucuresti https://t.co/Fe8EZraMBY pic.twitter.com/1cbjp5RfgU
— Bucuresti FM (@BucurestiFM) 22 септември 2019 г.
Plus de voiture dans les rues de #Paris comme sur les Champs-Elys?es depuis 11h, et jusqu’? 18h pour la #JourneeSansVoiture pic.twitter.com/NOf6sCVBwt
— France Bleu Paris (@francebleuparis) 22 септември 2019 г.
Aujourd’hui c’?tait vraiment mon jour pr?f?r? ? #Bruxelles ????????????????????????????????? #journeesansvoiture pic.twitter.com/6Fhwug1p3O
— Margaux De R? ???? (@margauxdere) 22 септември 2019 г.
Amazing to see a #yoga class in the middle of tower bridge this morning for car free day in London @carfreedayLDN #CarFreeDay #TowerBridge pic.twitter.com/5mLMwIRpL7
— Dr Lucy A. Taylor (@LucyATaylor) 22 септември 2019 г.
Things that happen with carfree streets!
— Giovanni Zayas (@giozf) 22 септември 2019 г.
(A thread) pic.twitter.com/B6vGtFNxO2
I don't even recognize this street although I live here. #CarFreeDay makes it possible. How green, how spacy is this Motorway that cuts normaly #Stuttgart. #autofrei, #autofreierSonntag #AutofreieTheo #NewMobility pic.twitter.com/RILamlrvXs
— Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg (@AnnaDeparnay) 22 септември 2019 г.